Service Ministries
From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its works.
Ephesians 4:16
Every Christian is a minister/servant for Jesus Christ. Service within the church is the demonstration of the love Christ has bound us together with in bringing us into the right relationship with God. Service is also one of the key purposes God established for the people who live under his rule.
God created a special people in the world (Israel) so that they would then in turn become a blessing to the other nations. This concept we embody within our church and local community. There are thousands of people in our area who are hurting and in need. There are many who are unable or even unwilling to reach out because of the weight of the burdens they carry. It is the church's responsibility to move out into the community and bring hope and healing to those who are willing to receive it.
It is the church’s responsibility to coordinate the service efforts of all of the ministries within our church body (ex. Missions, Women's , Men's Ministry, Youth, etc.). It is our responsibility to create partnerships with local service organizations for increased effectiveness and decreased competition for resources and people.